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UZH Teaching Fund (ULF)


Eligible applicants can apply for funding for a didactic innovation in the context of a UZH Bachelor’s or Master’s module or a course at any time via the form below. The decision on approval usually follows within 14 days. For applications submitted between Christmas and New Year or in August, the approval period may be extended by up to four weeks.

Please send the completed form to You may also direct any questions to this address.

You can find all the details of the call in the following document:

Call micro_innovation 2024 (PDF, 79 KB)

The application form can be found here:

Application Form micro_innovation 2024 (DOCX, 78 KB)

Funding Line Concept

Innovative ideas for teaching often arise spontaneously during the preparation of teaching. Their swift implementation usually fails due to bureaucracy, funding or slow decision-making. The aim of the micro_innovation funding line is to remove these barriers to innovation and to support small didactic projects with a direct benefit for teaching at UZH quickly and efficiently. The call for proposals is open all year round, please refer to the call above for full details.

Weiterführende Informationen

Apply now!

UZH professors and their teams or groups can apply for workshops on the basics of university teaching and learning with an individual focus. The current call for applications is until the 30.11.2024.

For further information, please refer to the link below and the attached call for applications.